Program Application

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    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 0.00%
    Additional terms If you use a 3rd party app/website/service provider to publish coupons or drive traffic to our site, the sales conversions may not qualify for our affiliate program. Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

    1.     Appointment

    1.1  Luseta Beauty would provide a code to the
    Affiliate in order to give commission in exchange to the Affiliate’s promotion
    of the code via various channels (social media, blogs, etc.).

    1.2  The relationships specified in this
    agreement are non-exclusive.  The
    Affiliate shall be entitled to display links to sites of other advertisers on
    the Affiliate's site and Luseta Beauty shall be entitled to make Luseta Beauty's
    site available through on line and other services other than that of the

    2.     Promotion

    2.1  As an affiliate site, Luseta Beauty
    will make available to the Affiliate a promotion code which, subject to the
    terms and conditions hereof, the Affiliate may display as often and in as many
    areas on his/her site as he/she desires. 

    3.     Responsibility

    3.1  Luseta Beauty will be responsible
    for providing all information necessary to allow the Affiliate to make
    appropriate links from your Affiliate site to our Merchant site.  Luseta Beauty will be solely responsible for
    processing every order placed by a customer following the code from the
    Affiliate’s site, for tracking the volume and amount of sales generated by the
    Affiliate, and for providing information to Affiliates regarding sales
    statistics. Luseta Beauty will be responsible for order entry and processing,
    payment processing, cancellations and related customer service.

    3.2  The Affiliate will, at his/her sole
    cost and expense, design, develop and maintain the Affiliate's site. 

    4.     Commission Determination

    4.1  Luseta Beauty will pay
    the Affiliate a commission of fifteen percent (15%) of every order that will
    have been generated by the Affiliate website using the unique code to Luseta
    Beauty’s website (“”).

    4.2 Luseta Beauty will approve the commission 30 days after the order was placed. Should the order be returned and refunded within this time period, Luseta Beauty reserves the right to decline commission payment.

    5.     Commission Payments

    5.1  The Affiliate will deem to have earned the commission
    once the order has been paid by the customer.

    5.2  For every 30-day period, Luseta Beauty will send the
    commission through Refersion for the applicable commission (less any taxes
    required to be withheld under applicable law). 
    Should the Affiliate's commission payments require Luseta Beauty to file
    any U.S. foreign tax forms, the Affiliate agrees to provide Luseta
    Beauty with all information necessary (such as the Affiliate's social security
    or tax I.D. number) upon request.  Luseta
    Beauty has the right to discontinue the Affiliate's participation in the Affiliate
    Program and withhold any moneys payable should the Affiliate fail to provide
    this information upon request.

    5.3  With each commission payment, Luseta Beauty will provide reports that will contain all
    necessary information as required to calculate the commission fees to the